Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance, lives in Fermoy.
Fermoy is a rather picturesque town 50 minutes drive away for me.
So given the choice between the delights of charity shopping and a portly fellow in granny shoes and leather trousers, you know what I was looking for.
And I found it.
St. Vincent de Pauls ... back street off the main street to the right of the river. A 'Russell Stuart model, London W1' modelled by Breda who usually wanders around the garden naked.
Breda before
Breda after
I know it's not ironed* but it's fabulous nonetheless. The print on the fabric is wonderful and seems to make the dress shimmer almost.
I wouldn't wear the dress and jacket together, in fact as it's a size 42 I have some sewing to do before I wear it at all.
The dress also has a belt with bows which fastens at the back.
And the price for such vintage fabulosity? €6. I could have spent more because SVdP was an impressive shop but I wanted to save money to buy Michael tea in case I bumped into him.
Whilst waiting I took some photos of Fermoy and went for a walk along the Blackwater River.
These last two charming rural scenes are a mere 10 minutes walk from Fermoy town centre.
Michael didn't show - maybe he knew he couldn't compete with St. Vincent de Pauls.
* (I've decided I'm not going to iron anything for this blog).